Bronzkoszorús Mestertenyészet

The pug, contrary to belief, is a fairly agile but calm breed. In terms of the original use of the breed, it was also considered a lap, primarily only as a pet, according to some as a signal dog.

It is a distinctly square, stocky, strong-bodied “Multum in Parvo” (= high compactness in a small space), which means a compact, well-proportioned body with balanced proportions and tight muscles. The coat is fine, smooth, short and shiny. Not hard, not woolly. In terms of color, silver, peach, venison or black are accepted. In these variants (except black), the base color is well distinguished from the “eel stripe” (the black stripe from the nape to the tail) and the mask. All marks, masks, ears, jaw spots, forehead spots (stars) and eel stripes should be as black as possible.
Note: The clear, so-called beige color (French word, translation: sand color, greyish red, yellow) occurs in many shades, all of which are equally popular. The silver ill. gray is less common, less common and less popular. THE The black color variant is becoming more and more popular in Hungary, but only about approx. They make up 15-20%. The cultivation of the black color variant is much more difficult, specimens with less typical heads and weak bones often appear, and the tolerance limit is less than the requirements of the black color (uniform, shiny coat is expected on all parts of the body, no reddish or other discoloration is allowed, except for a small white breast spot). ). Pairing individuals of different colors requires serious genetic knowledge.
The ideal weight is 6.3-8.1 kg according to the standard, but life has slightly exceeded this, as the average weight of a typical pug is around 9-10 kg.
Here it is important to note that in the structure of bitches and males, the secondary sex character appears very strongly and emphatically!
He is very charming, dignified and intelligent. Balanced, cheerful and lively.
Life is always fun and busy with a pug. They are extremely active until about the age of two, but they are characterized by agility throughout their lives, along with being extremely attracted to any place that provides them with a comfortable sleep. When they are with their owner, they love to play, play ball, study, but when they are alone in the apartment during the day, they spend almost the entire day sleeping. They like to hike, walk big, but make sure they are in constant motion in the cold so they don't catch a cold or get tired quickly in the heat of summer, so they can breathe. It is important not to overdo the game in case of great heat, and try to provide it with fresh water and a cool place to rest.
The other favorite activity of the pugs is the rest, which they like to do as close as possible to their owner (mostly on their lap). He is prone to snoring during sleep (especially if he is overweight !!!) and has difficulty breathing. This is unfortunately almost inevitably part of the breed, but it can be alleviated with medical help.
We are talking about an extremely intelligent, albeit sometimes stubborn variety. They are relatively easy to learn and as they are quite food focused, they are well motivated with a reward bite. Pugs are not uncommon in dog schools or agility competitions (the latter achieve surprisingly good results!).
Beyond all that, a true family member, loves children and adults alike, is an extremely direct breed. He gets along well with the other pets as well, his hunting instinct is not very strong. He is also friendly with strangers, barking only until the newcomer enters his territory. It is a territorial variety, that is, if it sees or hears movement outside its territory, it signals with a bark.